Trip Tracer
Trip Tacer is a fun and handy tracking application to record any type of activity you may do.
Add markers to remember that special location or even add photos that you may view from the application at the precise spot they were taken. Trip Trace was used to plot the routes in Bus Vallarta basic and Pro
The Start Screen

Select start to begin a new logging session or select Logs to view a pervious recorded trip.
When selecting start you will be propted to enter a file name of your choice. After selecting save your recording will automatically start.
Main Recording Screen

The green circle indicates the GPS strength in your current aera.
Select Stop Recording at any time to end the current session
Tap the camera icon to add a picture of your current position
Tap this icon to add a marker of your current Location
After selecting Logs from the main screen a list of all your recordings will be displayed.
A long finger press on any title will open a dialog displaying your basic details of the selected trip.
A single tap will open a full view of your journey as shown below

You may view your map in the standard format as displayed her , a satellite view or go to a street view. Please note street view is not avaiable in all locations.
The start of your journey will be indicated by the letter S and the letter N indicates where you stoped recording.
Tapping a camera marker will display your image in a new window < Not shown here >

Typical Picture Marker
Street View Example